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While in Sarti you can always look for annual festivals and local events that are devoted to the Greek culture, history and religion.

Sarti is the perfect place to relax while you can be part of the Greek tradition just by checking the calendar.

We have collected some of the most important holidays, that you can choose to attend, if you are interested in getting to know Greece and Greeks from a better point of view.

If you choose to come either during Easter or during a national holiday like the 28th of October, be sure that your visit will stay on your memory forever.

New Year’s Day – January 1st.

Τake part in the biggest and happiest party.

The new year has come and it brings with it new goals and new dreams.

The tradition has it that good luck follows whoever finds the hidden coin in his slice of the Basilcake or New Year cake called Vassilopita.

Don’t forget to wish a happy name day to Vasilis and taste all the traditional sweets like melomakarono (a honeyed biscuit made just with flour and olive oil) or kourampie (kurabiye in Turkish, a butter biscuit with a rich icing sugar topping).

Epiphany – January 6.

Every year at Epiphany, the waters are being blessed.

The tradition requires a swimming race towards the wooden or iron cross which the priest blesses the water with.

The ceremony takes place at Sarti’s beach and although the day is usually sunny and warm, the diving into the cold sea water requires courage, strength and endurance.

So what you say? Are you ready to dive and feel the holy water?

Epiphany, known as ‘Theophania’ in the Greek Orthodox Church, which means ‘a vision of God’ or ‘Christ shining through’, is considered to be a very important day for The Greek Orthodox Church.

On this day the revelation of Christ as the messiah and second person of the trinity, at his baptism, by John the Baptist, in the River of Jordan is celebrated.

At Epiphany, the Greek Orthodox Church performs the ‘Great Blessing of the Waters’.

This ceremony is usually performed twice, once on the eve of Epiphany which is performed in the church, and then again on the actual day outdoors.


Carnival – February/ March

Disguises, masquerades, a lot of teasing and partying with plenty of wine.

That’ s what carnival means in Greece and it is originated by the ancient Romans and ancient Greeks.

A goodbye to the winter and a warm welcoming to the spring and to Easter.

Carnival in Sarti is a really great experience mostly for the children, as they express themselves by disguising, dancing and having fun.

Be equipped with a lot of humour and good mood and you will have the time of your life.

Clean Monday

If you find yourself in Sarti, exactly 40 days before Easter you can make a visit at camping Platanitsi just ___ km away from Sarti, like all the locals use to do.

Bring your kite with you and get ready to enjoy a picnic with plenty of food and drink at Sarti’s amazing camping by the sea.

Either if you travel with family or with friends prepare to experience the first day of lent and become one with Sarti’ s nature.

Holy week - Easter

A great chance to spend gorgeous holidays in Sarti and be a part of the Greek tradition is given, during Easter time.

A week full of religious celebrations, cultural habits and unique traditional dishes, combined with the great weather makes the perfect time to be in Sarti and experience one of the most spiritual events of the Greek Orthodox church.

During the Holy Week, Sarti’s church dressed in black and purple ribbons that enhance the spiritual atmosphere of mourning for the crucifixion and burial of Jesus Christ, lights up and prepares the believers for HIS sacrifice.

On Maundy Thursday, home ovens fire up for the traditional tsoureki to be baked.

Eggs are immersed in red dye, symbolising the joy for Nature’s rebirth and the spiritual regeneration that comes with the Resurrection of Jesus.

On Good Friday, Epitaph (the tomb of Christ) is decorated with fresh colourful flowers and at the end of the evening it leads the way for the crowd to feel the streets of Sarti along with psalms.

On Holy Saturday morning, preparations start for the festive dinner that is served after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Magiritsa a traditional soup is prepared in most Greek houses (made with chopped offal and herbs).

Just before midnight white candles are being lit with the “Holy Light” offered by the priest and exactly at midnight drum beats and fireworks light the skies, as the church bells peal out and the hymn ‘Christos Anesti’ (Christ is Risen) is chanted.

When in home, dinner is served. Tradition has it that a competition has to start after dinner, to find out who has the strongest red egg.

The winner is the one whose egg has remained intact!

On Easter Sunday morning, lamb is skewered and cooked over charcoal. Dancing and drinking is an important part of Easter Sunday festivities. So get ready.


St George’s day – April

Have you ever attended a Greek festival? If you are lucky enough to be in Sarti during St George’s day get ready to experience the traditional Greek festival at its finest. Sarti’ s cultural association “Afisia” organizes the main events on St George’s day every year.

Locals on traditional customs and a lot of volunteers, dance, play music, sing, take pictures, serve the foods and drinks. It is literally a festival that everyone comes together to celebrate with one’s heart.

The event takes place in front of the Xiropotamou monastery or Metochi of Sarti and is the perfect scenery to enjoy a sunny day in nature with plenty of music.

If you want to get more involved of course you can ask to help, more warm smiles are always welcomed.


Day of the Holy Spirit - June

A three-day religious celebration, with lots of festivities, give the perfect excuse for you to come in Sarti and to enjoy the start of the summer.

In Sykia, about 12 Km away from Sarti, a 3-day festival takes place.

Numerous local cultural associations, plenty of street food and drinks and a small open market offer a unique spectacle for you and your family to enjoy.

The Day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary – August 15.

One of the most important dates in the Greek Orthodox Calendar is also a huge event for our church in Sarti, which is dedicated to the Mother of Christians, to the Leader, to the Joy of Distressed, to Lady Mary! Sarti’ s guests are really familiar with the celebrations taking place on August 15th since it is the peak of summer season and Sarti is very crowded.

You can enjoy the morningmass in the church and in the evening a walk at the 3-day open market.

Usually there is full moon so grab a light jacket and something to use to sit on the sand and enjoy the view of Athos by the moon’s light. Trust us it is a once in a lifetime experience.